Interaction Design

Interactive Community Herb Garden Prototype

This project began with extensive research pertaining to digital and physical interfaces. With the beginning phase of this process focusing primarily on basic coding and the Makey Makey, the concept of creating a futuristic and urban way of gardening developed.

Through many thumbnail sketches, low-fi paper prototyping and user testing, it was discovered that gardening as a community is highly beneficial. While developing the final concept direction, things that were took into consideration were: affordability, urban gardens, and practicality.

To help narrow down the direction, it was necessary to identify the audience and environment to an apartment complex rooftop. In addition to building a high-fi garden wall, I also designed a mobile interface that the residents could access by scanning a QR code to stay connected with one another to share recipes and garden tending reminders.


Kid Logic: Publication


(Wo)Manifesto : Publication