Publication Design

Kid Logic Newspaper

This publication was inspired by the podcast, This American Life”, episode #605. The episode is narrated by adults retelling childhood stories that involved a kid type of logic. Moments that don’t fully make logical sense, but when they were kids it made perfect sense.

The concept of our newspaper was mostly how kids would scribble and annotate a newspaper. We made emphasis on activities, make-belief ads, and colors. Each of us chose one act of the episode and designed 4 pages. We designed the cover and interlude together.  I was tasked with designing Act 02: It Game Ain’t Over Until the Fatso Man Sings.

Something I learned more in depth during this process was the specifics of sending prints to digital vendors. I had worked with vendors in previous projects but never online-only vendors. Also learning how to co-create one conceptually cohesive publication with four totally different and unique designers. When we were choosing which episode to make into a newspaper, we played many ice breaker games trying to find similar interests outside of design. We discovered that we really didn’t have much in common other than we didn’t take life very seriously and knew how to laugh at embarrassing moments. 


Printed by Newspaper Club on Tabloid Size

Custom Stickers Printed on Risograph

Tools Used:

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign



Mentor - Susan Laporte

Teammates - Jake Lobb, Grace Song & Chuck Shwarting


Mixtape: Motion Design & Art Direction


Community Herb Garden: Interaction