Brand Strategy | Experience Design | Publication Design

Detroit Public Library

An energetic, diverse and inviting brand strategy for the Detroit Public Library. Our goal was to broaden the audience’s perception of what a library is and can be, sharing the vast resources and scope of what a contemporary library is.

Through much research, data and interviews, we were determined to create a library atmosphere that is a community hub of resources and support, inspiration, energy and inclusivity.

Our objectives were: To inform the public, through smart advertising, of all the free resources that the libraries already offer. To reach the city of Detroit beyond the physical building space, focusing on outdoor presence throughout the city. To design for the community that exists, but also reaching beyond. Improve physical navigation experience of using the Library. Utilize experience design as a tool for teaching and reaching the patrons of Detroit with disabilities and learning challenges. Expand and refine the Library’s online presence. To revive and energize the community to use the library’s resources through color theory, language and form.


Sydney Mantua - Communication Designer | Teammate

Doug Kisor - Communication Designer | Mentor


What the process looked like –

My partner and I did many iterations and experiments before landing on our final brand direction. We did experiments using projection placing people and videos onto books, light table experiments using transparency with words and imagery, word mapping and sketching.

While experimenting, we learned that our projection studies were closest to our brand language. We took the three dimensional aspect of energy and translated it through scaling and layering of silhouettes of people, typography and pattern.

Ideating and experimenting was my favorite part of this project. I enjoy brainstorming with no boundaries and letting the process evolve on its own.


Augmented Reality Center: Brand Strategy